Welcome Local Ambassadors, we are so happy to have you on our team to create an amazing event in your city. You and your fellow ambassadors are a super important part of making sure that every barista in your city knows about The Barista League and can come to compete and party with us!

We create events that are designed FOR BARISTAS - they are deliberately cheap, easily accessible, and with big prizes and loads of stuff to drink, taste, and take home. We just want to make sure that baristas know about it and come along - this is where you come in.


You will travel around your city or neighborhood and invite baristas from cafes to be a part of The Barista League. We estimate 4 hours work per ‘run’ and roughly 5 cafes per hour - meeting with a minimum of 20 cafes.

This can be done in one go, over several days, or over two weeks. You should make this work with your schedule and lifestyle.

The emphasis here is on INVITING people. You don’t need to sell anything, you don’t need to pitch anything - just invite them to the event in any way that you think is going to excite them enough to attend. (more on that below)


Firstly, pick a time that is going to be the most quiet time for the baristas. There is nothing worse than trying to have a conversation while there is a huge line of people waiting for their coffee.

Go into the cafe and tell them you want to invite them to a barista event. Focus on inviting them, the barista, and their colleagues - you aren’t there to leave flyers or put up posters. Let them know what The Barista League is about and try and get them excited about the event.

Hand them the flyers and explain all of the info + give them some stickers.

Ask them for their name (if you don’t know already), it’s a nice way to be more personal, and then you can head out back into the world. Great work!


Before you head out, you might be interested in knowing a bit more about The Barista league so you are prepared to explain what it is you are inviting the baristas to.

  • The Barista League is a party disguised as a coffee competition. It all happens on one night over about 4 hours. There are ten teams of two competing in two rounds and over 400 of the best coffee people partying in a room together with lights, drinks and a DJ. In addition to the competition, there is a roasters village and cool coffee games for you to play!

  • Yes! And you should. It is free to apply, you compete with a friend and the competition is based on your skills as a barista so! You don’t need to train, you don’t need to bring anything - just show up and have a great time!

  • The winning team will join our other winners from around the world on The Barista League’s Mystery coffee Vacation. In 2024 we took 24+ baristas to Colombia for a amazing dream coffee adventure!

    All of our competitors, though, go home with amazing gift packs that include products from our wonderful partners (hint hint: Scales, Grinders, Exclusive Products and so much amazing swag and coffee).

  • There will be complimentary coffee and coffee cocktails!

    More food and beer available for purchase. Non-alcoholic drinks are available as well. (Specific info may change closer to date. Refer to event website for more info)

  • Not at all. Folks from all areas of the coffee industry are welcome at the event and have attended The Barista League competitions. All are welcome.

  • It is free to compete!

    Ticket prices are on the each event’s webpage. Early Bird Tickets are up to half price and are on sale up until 2 weeks before the event.

    For your reference: Ticket price has been calculated for each city as roughly 75% of a barista’s average hourly wage.

  • Each event in different cities stands totally on its own. We want to bring The Barista League to people all over the world, so while each event is similar in structure, they each have their own flavours and unique experiences. This year we are doing 6 events all over the world.

  • Volunteer - that’s great! We have a volunteer form on the website for you to sign up on!

    Sponsorship/Other things they suggest - our project manager would love to know more! You can contact them here (share Project Manager’s contact)


It is very important that you track the cafes that you visit. This will help us evaluate if this time and energy is being well spent in creating bigger, better, more accessible and inclusive events. It is also a good tool to ensure that you and any other Local Ambassadors are visiting different cafes and not doubling up unnecessarily.

Here is how to use it:

  1. Open the link above

  2. Navigate to your event tab. This is the tab down the bottom of the spreadsheet with your city’s name on it.

  3. For every cafe you should fill out a new row on the spreadsheet. Please include:

    1. Your Name

    2. The Date

    3. What cafe you visited.

    4. Who you spoke to

    5. Any notes

Please check this spreadsheet before you head out to make sure you are not doubling up with any other outreach agent. It isnt a problem if you visit the same cafe, but we are trying to connect with as many baristas as possible, so we want to use your time and energy as efficiently as possible.


  • We pay 100 EUR per run for each Community Outreach Agent. If we contract you for two runs that would mean 200 EUR.

    We estimate this on 5 hours of work to visit at least 20 cafes. This can be done at any time during the promotional window.

  • Your project manager will email you a short contract to sign just to make sure everything important is on paper and we understand our commitments to each other. If you have any issues or concerns with the contract, please contact your Project Manager.

  • It is really important that you track every cafe that you visit. This is for us to know if this is time and energy well spent.

    It is also great so that you and your fellow Outreach Agents can avoid visiting the same cafes twice.

    Tracking form here.

  • The invites will be packed by our team and shipped to you or the location you have agreed on. The Project Manager will inform you when they are being shipped.

  • We will also provide you with a little welcome kit including a Tote bag, some merch, and some extra stuff to welcome you to the team. This will be sent to the same location as the flyers.

  • You will be responsible for invoicing us for your pay. This invoice should be sent at the end of your promotional window.

    Invoice to:

    Ordna Event Agency AB

    Bessemergatan 2

    41707. Gothenburg

    VAT #:SE559233273701

    You must include the following on your invoice:

    1. Full name:

    2. Full Address:

    3. IBAN: XXXX


    5. Bank:XXX

    6. Final day of payment (10 days from invoice day)